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The Seoul Resolution

A hallmark of a profession is delivery of quality services to consumers, meeting a fundamental human need. Therefore, it is incumbent upon the physical education profession to establish and promulgate standards for physical education curricula in schools. Need to be physically educated is global; hence, it is the responsibility of the international professional organizations to lead actively efforts toward delivery of quality physical education in schools, world-wide.

ICHPER•SD acknowledges its responsibility in fulfilling the above need through three of its expressed purposes— development of curriculum standards and programs; assistance in program development, world-wide; and advocation and promotion of daily, quality physical activity programs, world-wide.¹ As one means to achieve these purposes, ICHPER•SD has developed, International Standards for Physical Education and Sport for School Children,² to be available in multiple languages.

It is intended that standards represent the voice of the profession, globally. It is hoped that all international professional organizations pertaining to physical education and sport will endorse and actively support the standards in fulfilling their related, common purposes. Further, it is hoped each national professional organization pertaining to physical education and sport will adopt and promulgate the standards within its respective nation/country, in fulfilling its related, common purposes.

The plan which follows was designed to promote endorsement of the standards by other international professional organizations, and adoption and promulgation of the standards by national professional organizations.

¹International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance (1958; Edition: 1999). Bylaws, Art. III, Sec. 3-5.

²International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport, and Dance. (December, 2000). International standards for physical education and sport for school children, Reston, VA, USA.


Invite all international professional organizations pertaining to physical education and sport to be endorsers of the Standards.
Invitation by UNESCO and ICHPER•SD

Endorsement includes:

  • Listing of organization as an endorser of the Standards, on the Standards and in the Registry. It is understood that modifications of the Standards will be shared with each endorser, allowing the organization either to sustain or withdraw its endorsement
  • Receipt of certificate of recognition as an endorser
  • Expectation of the organization to disseminate the Standards to its members via any one of the organizations print media
  • Expectation of the organization to promote the Standards via one or more conferences and/or print media

Invite all international education and sport governing agencies having a common concern to be endorsers of the Standards.

ICHPER•SD will aggressively seek to place the Standards on the agenda of all inter/multi-organization conferences, with focus on such topics as need for standards, interpretation, promotion strategies, and strategies for actualizing the Standards. When feasible, human resources and/or materials will be made available.

Success Indicators

By the close of 2001:
At least 75% of invited international professional organizations will have expressed willingness to review the Standards for possible endorsement.

By the close of 2002:
At least 75% of the organizations agreeing to review the Standards will have endorsed the Standards.

By the close of 2002:
At least 80% of the international sport governing agencies will have endorsed the Standards.

By the close of 2003:
ICHPER•SD will have achieved placing of the Standards on the agenda of 100% of the inter/multi-organization conferences.



Invite all national/country professional organizations pertaining to physical education and sport to adopt and promote the Standards.

Invitation by UNESCO and ICHPER•SD. Emphasize customization may be appropriate.

Adoption includes:

  • Listing of organization as an adopter of the Standards, on the Standards and in the Registry. It is understood that modifications of the Standards will be shared with each adopter, allowing the organization either to sustain or withdraw its adoption
  • Receipt of certificate of recognition as an adopter
  • Opportunity to participate in future modifications of the Standards
  • Access to available materials and resources
  • One year of the Journal of ICHPER•SD
  • Expectation of the organization to disseminate the Standards to its members via any one of the organizations print media
  • Expectation of the organization to promote the Standards via relevant national/regional conferences

Avail materials and human resources, as feasible (e.g., website service, print materials, consultant service), to national/country professional organizations, including but not limited to topics such as strategies for promoting, customizing, and actualizing the Standards (to reach practitioners, parents, government officials, school administrators, education agencies, and allied agencies).

Develop and implement a research design to ascertain degree to which the Standards have been implemented.

Success Indicators

By the close of 2001:
At least 66% of national/country organizations will have expressed willingness to review the Standards for possible adoption and promotion.

By the close of 2001:
ICHPER•SD will have assembled a list of resources available to nations/countries desiring same. The list will be sent to those organizations which have agreed to adopt and promote the Standards.

By the close of 2002:
At least 50% of the organizations agreeing to review the Standards will have agreed to adopt and promote the Standards.

By the close of 2002:
ICHPER•SD will have developed a research design, for implementation by the close of 2003.

By the close of 2003:
At least 75% of all organizations which agreed to adopt and promote the Standards will report that the Standards have been disseminated, and they have been on the agenda of at least two conferences (if held).

ICHPER•SD April, 2001