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Commission Structure

Each ICHPER·SD Commission is: (a) a task oriented world-wide structural working unit for various specializations or fields of professional emphasis and interest; (b) a body of international organization to conduct its business and scholarly efforts within its domain or special task area under the organizational umbrella of ICHPER·SD; ( c ) responsible for planning, promoting, and coordinating programs for the succeeding ICHPER·SD World Congress and Regional Congresses; and (d) to encourage, support and organize ICHPER·SD Commission’s colloquia, symposia, workshops, and seminars.

Every individual member of the Council is encouraged to be a member of a Commission according to one’s own preference.


has 40 Commissions
Each Commission is headed by the
Commission Director or the Co-Directors

who shall be appointed by the President of ICHPER·SD

Each Commission has Assistant Director or Assistant Directors
who shall be appointed by the ICHPER·SD World Congress Organizing Committee
Members of ICHPER·SD
Each member is entitled to be appointed to a commission by the ICHPER·SD President upon the member’s selection of a preferred commission as indicated on his/her ICHPER·SD membership application.

Steering Board of a Commission

The steering board of each commission consists of the director and assistant director and seven additional members appointed by the regional vice presidents. The director shall represent the Commission and preside at meetings of the Commission and the steering board. The steering board shall function as an executive body of the Commission for its business.

Responsibilities of the Steering Board

The steering board shall have the following duties and responsibilities:

a) Generate sustained leadership for the interest of the Commission as a body of an international organization and specialized intellectual group under the organizational umbrella of ICHPER·SD.

b) Reach out to the scholars and professionals in the Commission’s particular field in order to encourage their participation in programs of the Commission and ICHPER·SD.

c) Assist the World Congress Organizing Committee and recommend papers and presenters in the particular area of specialty of the Commission.

d) Plan and organize, if so desired, a symposium, workshop or seminar in conjunction with the World Congresses, Regional Congresses, and National Conventions.

ICHPER·SD Commissions

1. Adapted Physical Education
2. Aerobics
3. Aging
4. Aquatics
5. Coaching
6. Comparative Physical Education and Sport
7. Computer Applications to HPERSD
8. Dance and Dance Education
9. Fitness and Wellness
10. Girls and Women in Sport
11. Health Education
12. History of Physical Education and Sport
13. International Curriculum Standards and Development
14. Legal Liability in HPERSD
15. Leisure and Recreation
16. Martial Arts Education
17. Mass Media and Sport
18. Measurement and Evaluation of Physical Education
19. Nutrition and Physical Activity
20. Olympic Education
21. Philosophy of Physical Education
22. Physical Education at the College Level
23. Physical Education at the Primary Level
24. Physical Education at the Secondary Level
25. Professional Preparation and Certification in HPERSD
26. Professional Standards and Ethics
27. Research
28. Sport and Recreation Facilities
29. Sport Biomechanics
30. Sport For All
31. Sport Counseling Psychology
32. Sport Governance, Organizations and Law
33. Sport Management and Administration
34. Sport Marketing and Economics
35. Sport Medicine
36. Sport Pedagogy
37. Sport Physiology
38. Sport Psychology
39. Sport Sociology
40. Yoga