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ICHPER·SD Bylaws (Article XX) stipulate that ICHPER·SD shall recognize distinguished individuals world-wide by conferring such awards as recommended by the Awards Committee, and approved by the Board of Governors. Awards shall be under titles of Distinguished Scholar, Contributor, and Administrator in the fields of health, physical education, recreation, sport and Olympic movement, dance, research and related fields to encourage the highest standards and excellence in human endeavors. Moreover, selection, specific titles, and description of each award shall be defined in the Operating Code.

I. Composition

The Awards Committee shall consist of the members of the ICHPER·SD Executive Committee and, (a) one member appointed by the President from each of the following fields of our academic disciplines: health, physical education, recreation, sport and Olympic movement, and dance. (b) The Chair of this committee shall be appointed by the President after consultation with the Secretary General.

II. Names of Awards

Names of the different awards shall be:

(a) Ainsworth/Troester Founders' Award,
(b) ICHPER·SD Biennial Outstanding Administration Award, to an individual and institutional
(c) ICHPER·SD Biennial Distinguished Scholar Award in Health Education,
(d) ICHPER·SD Biennial Distinguished Scholar Award in Physical Education,
(e) ICHPER·SD Biennial Distinguished Scholar Award in Leisure and Recreation,
(f) ICHPER·SD Biennial Distinguished Scholar in Sport and Olympic Movement,
(g) ICHPER·SD Biennial Distinguished Scholar Award in Dance Education,
(h) ICHPER·SD Biennial Distinguished Scholar Award in Research, and
(i) ICHPER·SD Biennial Outstanding Contribution and Service Award(s).

III. Standard Qualification of Nominees

Standard qualifications shall apply for all ICHPER·SD awards. Standard qualifications of each nominee include--

(a) Be a member in good standing of the International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance (ICHPER·SD);

(b) Be an individual who has made significant professional contributions and achievements to one or
more of our fields of interest; and

(c) Not be a previous recipient of the same award.

IV. Nomination and Selection Procedures

Section 1: Nominations

(a) Each constituent member of ICHPER·SD shall be entitled to one nomination for any single award except contribution and service awards by providing the following--

i. Completed (type written) ICHPER·SD Awards Nomination Form with a picture of the nominee.

ii. No more than three (computer or type written) double spaced pages of descriptive statement regarding nature of nominee's contributions, achievements, merits, present and past activities, and other relative and important information related to ICHPER.SD.

iii. A brief curriculum vitae (no more than 3 double spaced pages) of the nominee for a "Scholar Award."

iv. Provide additional information upon request of the Awards Committee.

(b) The submission of documents (i, ii, and iii) must be received by the Office of the ICHPER·SD Secretary General no later than January 25th of the World Congress year.

Section 2: Selections

(a) The Secretary General shall provide all copies of nomination documents received to members of the Awards Committee by February 20th of the World Congress year.

(b) Each member of the Awards Committee shall select the top three (3) nominees in order of ranking (1st, 2nd, and 3rd) for each of the Ainsworth/Troester Founders' Award and of the ICHPER·SD Biennial Outstanding Administration Awards; top four (4) nominees with ranking in each field (health, physical education, recreation, sport, and Olympic Movement, dance, and research) for ICHPER·SD Biennial Scholar Awards; and top twelve (12) nominees for ICHPER·SD Biennial Outstanding Contribution and Service Awards, and return selections to the Chair of the Awards Committee by March 20th of the World Congress year.

(c) The Chair of the Awards Committee shall tabulate results as submitted by the Awards Committee members, and submit the top two (2) nominees for each of the Ainsworth/Troester Founders' Award and of the ICHPER·SD Biennial Outstanding Administration Award; top three (3) nominees in each field for the ICHPER·SD Biennial Scholar Awards; and top ten (10) nominees for ICHPER·SD Biennial Outstanding Contribution and Service Awards.

(d) The Chair of the Awards Committee shall submit tabulation sheets and results of his/her tabulation to members of the Selection Committee by April 20th of the World Congress year. Each member of the Awards Committee has the right to appeal the decision of the Chair on the basis of voting results. When there is an appeal, the President and Secretary General shall study the matter and recommend an appropriate action to the Awards Committee.

(e) All nominees for the final selection shall be informed of their status by the Secretary General by May 10th of the World Congress year.

(f) Final selection for each award shall be made during the World Congress by the Awards Committee subject to approval of the Board of Governors.

Section 3. Restriction

When any member or members of the Awards Committee is nominated for an award(s), that member must be excused from evaluation and selection process for that particular ICHPER·SD award(s).

V. Ainsworth/Troester Founders' Award

Section 1. Purpose

Through co-leadership of the late Dr. Dorothy S. Ainsworth and the late Dr. Carl A. Troester, Jr. the International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance (ICHPER·SD) was founded. In their honor and remembrance, the award was created to recognize distinguished meritorious service to the professions represented by ICHPER·SD.

Section 2. Specific Qualification

The Ainsworth/Troester Founders' Award shall be regarded as the highest award the Council can bestow on its members in recognition of long, dedicated, and distinguished service. The recipient must--

(a) Be outstanding in the profession both nationally and internationally;

(b) Represent the best in leadership, service, teaching, and/or administration;

(c) Be an active participant and member in good standing of ICHPER·SD for at least eight (8) years; and

(d) Meet all standard qualifications as stipulated under "III. Standard Qualifications."

VI. ICHPER·SD Biennial Outstanding Administration Award

Section 1. Purpose

The ICHPER·SD Biennial Outstanding Administration Award is intended to honor professionals, institutions or constituent groups that have made significant contribution to administering, promoting, seeking, and safeguarding missions of ICHPER·SD through the structural unit(s) of the Council.

Section 2. Specific Qualification

(a) Individual recipient of this award must be a registered member in good standing with ICHPER·SD and an outstanding professional in the leadership as--

i. Current or past Officer of ICHPER·SD,
ii. Current or past Officer of ICHPER·SD Regional Organization,
iii. Current or past Officer of ICHPER·SD Member National or Organization (N1, 2, & 3)
iv. Current or past Chair of a Standing Committee, or
v. Current or past Director or Assistant Director of a Commission for at least four (4) years.

(b) Organizational recipient of this award must be a registered organization member in good standing with ICHPER·SD and outstanding as an--

i. ICHPER·SD Geographic Area Organization,
ii. Member National Organization,
iii. Institutional Member, or
iv. Member International Organization

(c) Individual recipient must meet all standard qualifications as stipulated under "III. Standard Qualifications."

VII. ICHPER·SD Biennial Distinguished Scholar Awards

Section 1. Purpose

The ICHPER·SD Biennial Distinguished Scholar Awards are intended to honor outstanding scholars in the field of health education, physical education, leisure and recreation, sport, and Olympic movement, and dance education, and research.

Section 2. Specific Qualification and Criteria:

In addition to Standard Qualification of Nominees (III), each individual recipient must meet qualifications and criteria as specified below for each of the ICHPER·SD Biannual Distinguished Scholar Awards.

(a) Scholar Award in Health Education

Eligible individuals are those who--

i. contributed significantly to the body of knowledge and scholarly works in the field of health education at the national and/or international level over a five-year span;

ii. conducted research directed toward strengthening health instruction in school and/or community settings;

iii. provided meaningful service to the community and health profession through scholarly activities;

iv. disseminated research results to others through such means as publications, presentations, and applied in health education situations.

(b) Scholar Award in Physical Education

Eligible individuals for consideration are those who have--

i. contributed significantly to the body of knowledge and scholarly works in the field of physical education at the national and international level over the past 10 years.

ii. conducted research in the field of physical education for schools, teaching, evaluation, methodology, curriculum development, etc

iii. provided important service to the community and to the physical education profession.

iv. a record of dissemination through writing, lecturing, presenting, and/or otherwise advocating for quality physical education programs and leadership.

(c) Scholar Award in Leisure and Recreation

Eligible individuals for consideration are those who have--

i. been recognized by leisure/recreation peers for their contribution to the profession at
local, regional, national, and/or international levels;

ii. conducted research and/or promoted latest findings related to leisure and recreation;

iii. contributed significantly to the body of knowledge and scholarly works in leisure/recreation at the national and/or international level over the past 10 years;

iv. a record of dissemination through writing, lecturing, presenting, and/or otherwise advocating for quality leisure/recreation programs and leadership;

(d) Scholar Award in Sport and the Olympic Movement

Eligible individuals are those who have--

i. been a professional member in sport and the Olympic Movement;

ii. published scholarly work nationally and internationally in the area of sport and the Olympic Movement;

iii. made a significant contribution to the advancement of sport and the Olympic Movement through activities in school systems, NGB's, IF's, NOC's, IOC, International Paralympic Committee, or the DSO;

iv. actively engaged in presenting papers on topics of sport and physical exercise or activity, and the Olympic Movement at national and/or international level.

References. NGB's (National Sport Governing Bodies); IF's (International Sport Federations); NOC's (National Olympic Committees); IOC (International Olympic Committees); DSO (Disabled Sport Organizations).

(e) Scholar Award in Dance Education

i. The individual shall be a significant contributor to the field of dance and/or dance education.

ii. The individual shall have a record as a scholar and/or artist in dance as evidenced by publications, presentations, and/or other creative works, including choreography. This activity shall have extended over a period of at least 5 years within the individual's country as well as internationally.

iii. The individual selected shall be capable of effectively communicating ideas and knowledge about dance and is a presenter at the current ICHPER·SD World Congress. This may take the form of an address, paper, workshop, clinic, or performance.

(f) Scholar Award in Research

i. The individual shall have made a significant contribution to research in at least one of the fields of HPERSD.

ii. The individual shall have a record as a scholar over a significant number of years as evidenced by research publications in peer-reviewed journals.

iii. The individual shall have shown the ability to communicate research effectively as evidenced by research presentations at national and/or international meetings.

iv. The individual shall have made contributions to translating of research ideas in such forms as textbooks, monographs, or chapters in edited works, as well as presentations to general audiences.

VIII. ICHPER·SD Biennial Contribution and Service Awards

Section 1. Purpose

The ICHPER·SD Biennial Contribution and Service Award is to recognize distinguished meritorious contributions and services to ICHPER·SD from the broad membership and professional society as a whole.

Section 2. Qualification

The nominee must meet all standard qualifications as stipulated in "III. Standard Qualifications." However, nominator(s) must supply sufficient evidence of the merits of the nominee(s). Following stipulations in Section 1 (a) (i, ii, and iv).

IX. Special Appreciation Certificates

Special Appreciation Certificates.

(a) Special appreciation certificates of recognition and appreciation for services and contributions to ICHPER•SD , and/or to one or more of its professional specializations can be awarded to individuals or organizations upon recommendation of the President, Secretary General, or members of the Board of Governors.

(b) Rationale for services and contributions of nominees shall be provided by person(s) submitting a nomination.

(c) Nominees for special appreciation certificates shall be approved by the Board of Governors.

X. Presentations


(a) Ainsworth/Troester Founders’ Award, Biennial Outstanding Administration Awards, and Biennial Distinguished Scholar Awards shall be made as integral parts of the Congress closing ceremony.

(b) Biennial Outstanding Contribution and Service Awards, and Special Appreciation Certificates shall be presented at the most appropriate Congress session(s), including during opening and closing ceremonies, or at the time of keynote presentations.

(c) Name of any award recipient who is not president at the World Congress shall be read as part of the award portion of the closing ceremony so the individual receives appropriate and deserved recognition at the Congress. In these cases, specific arrangements shall be made so as to make the presentation later to the individual at an appropriate time and place.