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Global Standards


A primary purpose of ICHPER·SD is promoting quality physical education programs for all school-age youth, globally. To this end, standards of content for preparing physical educators have been established.

These Standards represent essential knowledge and skills for all entry-level physical educators; hence, are central to all teacher preparation programs.

The Standards enable the practicing professional to design and deliver comprehensive, developmentally appropriate curricula.

The Standards facilitate multinational student and teacher exchange programs (through use of a registry), as well as facilitate a global market.

The Standards generally associate with undergraduate-level education; hence, may serve as prerequisites for graduate-level programs of study.


The curriculum of a professional preparation program for physical education teachers includes three components-disciplinary aspect of physical education (including aspects of foundational disciplines), professional aspect of physical education, and pedagogy.


The standard of content is expressed in terms of exit competencies, which represent what each teacher education candidate in the field of physical education will evidence as a condition of licensure.

The standard of content for licensure does not identify prerequisite knowledge and skills for admission into or for continuation in a teacher preparation program. It is incumbent upon the respective program/institution to identify and evaluate such knowledge and skills (e.g., motor fitness, physical fitness, communication skills, technology skills, scholastic achievement).

Regarding motor fitness and physical fitness, it is expected that the candidate for a teaching license will have evidenced proficiency in movement forms, effectiveness in applying movement concepts, a health-enhancing level of fitness, and a physically active lifestyle. These expectations appear as Standards 1 through 4, including accompanying benchmarks, in the International Standards for Physical Education and Sport for School Children (ICHPER·SD, 2001).

The strategies for integrating the prerequisite and requisite knowledge and skills with the intended exit competencies, and for evidencing achievement of all knowledge and skills, is the responsibility of the respective program/institution.


For programs/institutions desiring to be listed in the Registry (see below), a standard of achievement has been identified for each standard of content. The standard of achievement is expressed in terms of clock hours (contact hours). This quantitative standard is not intended to represent a qualitative measure of the teacher education program. Nor is it intended to measure completion of each standard of content by students enrolled in the program. Rather, it is incumbent upon the program/institution to establish and implement the qualitative dimension for evaluating the program and for evaluating candidates for teacher licensure.

The standard of achievement applies to undergraduate, 4-year degree/licensure programs. Licensure programs which are mandated to be shorter in duration must meet each standard of content; however, the standard of achievement may be modified. To be listed in the Registry, a program/institution which is shorter in duration is required to detail the conditions which warrant a reduction in the standard of achievement.

A program achieves compliance with the Global Standards by meeting or exceeding the minimum standard of achievement for each standard of content, which are identified in the Global Professional Preparation Standards, below.


Assessment of a program using the standards is optional. An institution which believes, resulting from its assessment, it is in compliance with the standards may request consideration for listing in the Registry. A Self Assessment Form accompanies the standards.


A Registry of Programs for the Professional Preparation of Physical Education Teachers will enable individuals to seek information about particular programs. The Registry will be published in the Journal of ICHPER•SD (fall issue), annually. The Registry will be comprised of programs which meet all content standards, as evidenced through a self assessment and voluntary submission of the registration form. Listing is for three years duration, after which the program/institution must submit a current Self Assessment and Registration Form to maintain continued listing in the Registry. Organizational membership in ICHPER·SD is required for the duration of listing.

Absence of being listed in the Registry does not connote a lack of fulfilling of the standards. It may mean the institution opted not to use the Self Assessment Form, is in the process of modifying its curriculum, and/or opted not to submit its Self Assessment Form for inclusion in the Registry.


Because the needs and conditions of consumers continually change, standards are dynamic in nature. Therefore, it is intended that the Standards undergo systematic reviews and appropriate modification, at least every eight years.


1. Disciplinary Knowledge (Minimum of 30 clock hours for each, 1.1 through 1.9)

This component includes body of knowledge of the science and art of human movement. Emphasis is on the anatomical, biomechanical, physiological, psychological, sociological, motor development, and motor learning aspects of motor performance.

Graduates of programs preparing physical education teachers will have exhibited competencies in:

1.1 Knowledge of philosophical (including ethical) dimensions of physical
education as a discipline and profession

1.2 Knowledge of historical perspective of physical education

1.3 Knowledge of human anatomy, structurally and functionally

1.4 Knowledge of kinesiological aspects and physical of human performance

1.5 Knowledge of human physiology and effects of exercise on human

1.6 Knowledge of psychological aspects of human performance, including
motivation and drive, anxiety and stress, and self-perception

1.7 Knowledge of sociological aspects of human performance, including social dynamics; ethical and moral behaviors; and cultural, ethnic, and gender differences

1.8 Knowledge of motor development, including maturation and fundamental

1.9 Knowledge of motor learning, including fundamental and complex motor
skills; and interrelationships among cognitive, affective, and psychomotor

2. Professional Knowledge and Skills (Minimum of 60 clock house, including all, 2.1 through 2.8)

This component includes humanistic and behavioral aspects of professional studies. Emphasis is on nature of a profession; nature of teaching physical education as a profession; commitment to scholarship, research and service; and individual and cultural contexts for teaching and learning human movement.

Graduates of programs preparing physical education teachers will have exhibited competencies in:

2.1 Knowledge of what constitutes a profession, and nature of physical education
as a profession

2.2 Knowledge of effects of physical education on individuals and society
(including special needs populations), relative to quality of life, individually
and globally

2.3 Knowledge of roles of physical education in schools, including historical
perspective and socio-political forces

2.4 Knowledge of and skill in developing a personal philosophy of physical

2.5 Knowledge and skills to sustain scholarship, research (as consumer and research), and service (e.g., consumer advocacy, program advocacy, service to school-community, service to profession)

2.6 Knowledge of cultural aspects of physical activities and sport

2.7 Knowledge and skills in designing comprehensive, developmentally
appropriate curricula, for various populations (including special needs
populations), based on curriculum theory and subject matter of physical

2.8 Knowledge and skills in developing aspects of a physical education program
(in addition to curriculum), including equipment maintenance and storage,
budgeting, program evaluation, legal aspects, safety aspects, and leadership

3. Pedagogical Knowledge and Skills (Minimum of 60 clock hours, including all, 3.1 through 3.6)

This component includes teaching and learning theory and professional applications of the body of knowledge. Emphasis is on designing a curriculum, evaluating learning, and evaluating the program.

Graduates of programs preparing physical education teachers will have exhibited competencies (including laboratory and clinical/experiences) in:

3.1 Knowledge of educational learning theory

3.2 Knowledge and application of theory of effective teaching

3.3 Knowledge of and skills in translating curriculum into teaching and learning

3.4 Knowledge of and skills in designing systematic unit and lesson sequencing
(including sequential learning)

3.5 Knowledge of and skills in analyzing movement, assessing and evaluating
motor performance, and evaluating the teaching-learning process

3.6 Knowledge of and skills in class management

ICHPER•SD October, 1997
Approved by: ICHPER•SD Executive Committee, July, 1997