----2018 ICHPER.SD Forum. Held in conjunction with the SHAPE America Annual Convention and Exposition: March 20-24, 2018 Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.-------The 44th Volume of the Journal of ICHPER-SD has been released and sent via e-mail to all members.-------

Journal of Research


ICHPER-SD Journal of Research

Aims and Scope

The International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance Journal of Research (ICHPER-SD JR) is the official peer-reviewed research journal for the International Council for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, Sport and Dance. ICHPER-SD is an official partner of UNESCO’s Physical Education and Sport unit. The Journal aims to encourage and facilitate the exchange of knowledge and viewpoints by providing an international platform for HPER-SD professionals around the world. The focuses of the Journal are original research studies, systematic literature review, and research notes related to the international HPER-SD community.

In order to shorten the review process while maintaining high quality, the editor and associate editors first determine the appropriateness of submitted manuscripts within 10 days after the manuscripts are submitted. External reviewers in the appropriate sub-disciplines are then solicited to review manuscripts deemed suitable. Authors are usually advised of the decision on their manuscript within 60-75 days if it is sent out for external review.

All research articles published in the Journal have undergone rigorous blind peer reviews including initial editor screening and anonymous refereeing by at least two to three external experts. The ICHPER-SD JR is currently an electronic publication. It is published semi-annually (May-June and November-December) and sent via e-mail to all ICHPER·SD members, associated and selected organizations in areas of health, physical education, recreation, sport and the Olympic Movement, and dance [see specific areas below] in over 202 countries and self-governing territories worldwide. Due to its global coverage, the ICHPER-SD JR offers researchers the potential to achieve greater recognition for their work and a higher level of impact for their research at the international level.

Index Coverage:

Index Coverage has only recently begun, as we are a fairly new journal.

To date we have agreements with:


EBSCOhost –

× Education Research Complete: Index and full database

× SPORTDiscus: Index and full database

H.W.Wilson –

× Education Full Text (and index)

Pro Quest –


Family Health

International Index for the Performing Arts,

Nursing & Allied Health Source

Research Library


Xiaofen D. Keating, Ph.D.

Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction The University of Texas at Austin

Associate Editor


Assistant Editor


Author Submission Guidelines

A. Submission of Manuscripts

(a) Manuscripts must be submitted to ICHPER·SD headquarters at the following address: 1900 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191-1598, USA (for hard copy submissions only); This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it (for electronic submissions only).

(b) Each hard copy submission must consist of: i) one original hard copy of the manuscript; ii) one computer CD – (Microsoft Word®); and iii) A self-addressed and U.S. stamped envelope (9“ by 12”) for manuscripts sent from the United States, but for manuscripts sent from outside the United States – only a self-addressed envelope (9” by 12”). If an email is provided then an envelope is not necessary.

(c) Each electronic submission must consist of three files: i) cover page including senior author’s contact information (i.e. name of institution, email, phone number, and mailing address). ii) abstract and manuscript, and iii) tables, charts, and pictures, etc.

B. Manuscript Guidelines for Authors

(a) Manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced, 12-point font, and include line numbers to facilitate the review process. Manuscripts should be saved as a WORD document.

(b) Papers should not exceed 28 pages of text, including abstract, references, tables, and figures.

(d) Author(s) should provide an abstract of no more than 200 words on a separate page and at the bottom include up to four key words from the manuscript that are not also part of the title, for indexing purposes.

(e) Manuscripts must conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition. Manuscripts deviating from the recommended format will neither be reviewed nor returned.

(f) Manuscripts submitted to the ICHPER-SD Journal of Research (JR) may not be concurrently submitted to another journal.

(g) Author(s) should consult and abide by the Guidelines for Contributors published in each issue of the journal and available on the ICHPER·SD Web site.

(h) For the purposes of blind review, author(s) should i) remove any author-identifying information from manuscript submissions, such as location of study, author notes, name of research program, etc., ii) a separate cover page should include title, first author’s correspondence information (i.e., name, institution, email, phone numbers, and mailing address), iii) abstract, iv) manuscript (i.e., pages must be numbered and line numbering included), v) reference section at the end of the manuscript, vi) tables, charts, and photos at the end of the manuscript, vii) use APA style Manual (6thedition) for proper formatting.

(i) When citing equipment or software used in the study, authors must include the manufacturer’s name, city, and state (or country) the first time the equipment is mentioned.

(j) In the Author’s Notes, authors must mention grant support and identify the source of any funding.

(k) Descriptive categories such as those used for gender, race, ethnicity, culture, special populations, etc., should be labeled with valid terms that can be documented as accepted, current, and professional. Publication in JR does not indicate editorial sanction of construct labels used by authors.

(l) The senior author must be a member of ICHPER·SD. When there are more than 3 authors of the submitted manuscript, the senior author plus one author (i.e. at least 2 authors) must be members.

C. ICHPER·SD Headquarters:

(a) Responds with one of the actions below via e-mail to the senior author who must be a member of ICHPER·SD. When there are more than 3 authors of the submitted manuscript, the senior author plus one author (i.e. at least 2 authors) must be members.

i. Sends an acknowledgment of receipt if he/she is a member within 5 working days.

ii. Sends a notice of membership requirement and membership application if he/she is not a member and retains the article without processing until the author(s) complies with the membership requirement within 30 days from the date of the notice. Headquarters discards the manuscript and material after 40 days from the date of notice if the membership requirement is not met.

iii. Sends a notice of noncompliance if the submitted material is not in compliance with the material guidelines for authors.

(b) Hard Copy Submission Processing Procedures: Sends the submitted material copied from the computer CD, to the JR Editor via email attachment within 7 working days from the date of receipt, and keeps the original hard copy and the computer CD in the headquarters file.

(c) Electronic Submission Processing Procedures: Sends the submitted three files (i.e.cover page; abstract & manuscript; tables, charts, and pictures, etc.) to the JR Editor electronically within 7 working days. ICHPER·SD headquarters will keep the original attached files from the email for its file.

D. Review Process Under the Editor

After receiving the manuscripts and materials from ICHPER·SD headquarters, the Editor determines whether the manuscript warrants further review (meets APA Style Manual [6th]).

Review of Manuscripts

(a) JR is a peer-reviewed publication; all manuscripts undergo review prior to acceptance for publication. Three or more external reviewers and/or section editors, the Associate Editor and the Editor are part of the review process. The Editor makes the final decision on manuscript publication.

(b) Manuscript review follows a double-blind review process.

(c) Qualified reviewers in the appropriate sub-disciplines review manuscripts deemed suitable to the mission of JR. Submitted manuscripts will be referred to the most appropriate section for review, and those that do not fit any section may be returned, based on the editor’s discretion.

(d) Appropriate sub-disciplines include:

i. Biomechanics

ii. Dance

iii. Epidemiology

iv. History and Philosophy

v. Martial Arts

vi. Measurement and Evaluation

vii. Motor Control and Learning

viii. Motor Development

ix. Olympic and Paralympic Games

x. Pedagogy

xi. Physical Education (Elementary, Secondary, & Adaptive)

xii. Psychology

xiii. Recreation and Leisure Studies

xiv. Recreation and Sport Therapy

xv. Sociology and Cultural Anthropology

xvi. Sport Finance and Marketing

xvii. Sport Law and Governance

xviii. Sport Management

xix. Sport Medicine

(e) Author(s) are usually advised of the decision on their manuscripts within 75-90 days.

(f) Normally no more than two and rarely three versions are permitted before a manuscript is accepted or rejected.

(g) Author(s) who are invited to revise and resubmit their manuscript for reconsideration will be permitted a maximum of 60 days to resubmit their manuscript.

E. Ethical Issues

(a) Guidelines for ethics in publishing conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA), 6th edition. Authors submitting manuscripts for publication are expected to know and abide by these guidelines, including plagiarism, fragmented studies, dual publication, etc.

(b) Author(s) must disclose the potential for a conflict of interest in their research, which will appear in the journal.

(c) Author(s) indicate whether their manuscript is part of a larger study and how the current manuscript is distinct from other papers that are published, under review, or in press. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts that are part of a larger study for the editor’s evaluation.

(d) Author(s) should take appropriate steps to obtain the informed consent of human research participants, regardless of the country’s regulations under which the research was conducted.

(e) The JR Editorial Policy Board will review violations of ethical guidelines, and an appropriate penalty or sanction will be imposed.

F. Manuscripts Accepted for Publication

(a) The senior author will receive page proofs for correction about 4 weeks before publication from the Editor. The author(s) bear responsibility for proofreading the manuscript and should, therefore, be extremely thorough.

(b) Author(s) should return page proofs to the Editor within 7 days or the deadline stated in the cover letter provided with the page proofs.

G. Permissions for Author(s) and Non-Author(s)

(a) All materials contained in this publication are the property of ICHPER·SD. ICHPER·SD holds the copyright for JR. In keeping with copyright law (P.L. 94-553) all authors must, whenever legally possible, assign the copyright of accepted manuscripts prior to publication to ICHPER·SD so that both the author(s) and the Council are protected from misuse of copyrighted materials.

(c) On receipt of legitimate written requests, permission is granted by ICHPER·SD, through the Chair of the JR Editorial Policy Board, for use of brief quotations (about 500 words) in published works.

(d) Permission is automatically granted to authors to use their own articles in other published work.

(e) Permission to reprint entire articles, figures, or tables for inclusion in publications offered for sale, is granted only on payment of fee to JR payable to “ICHPER·SD” and receipt of legitimate written requests. In these instances, the Chair of the Editorial Policy Board requests that permission be obtained from the senior author as well.

H. Subscriptions

(a) All ICHPER·SD constituent members (i.e., individual and Life, national and institutional organizations, affiliated international organizations and libraries) receive a copy of JR on a bi-annual basis (i.e., Spring & Summer issue and Fall & Winter issue) and any special JR issues whenever published.

(b) Non-ICHPER·SD members may subscribe to JR for an annual fee as established by the ICHPER·SD headquarters secretariat with the approval of the ICHPER·SD Executive Committee.

(c) Senior authors will receive one additional copy (total of 2 copies) when their articles are published.

(d) A complementary copy may be provided to selected individuals and organizations (e.g., UNESCO, WHO, IOC, NOCs, IFs) that are in a partnership or are officially and/or directly associated with the mission of ICHPER·SD.

(e) Members or subscribers should report address changes at least 8 weeks in advance to ICHPER·SD headquarters in the United States.

H. Publication Schedules and Glossary of Terms.

(a) The JR spring/summer issue will be published during the month of May/June and the fall/winter issue will be published during the month of November/December. By 2012, JR will be expanded to a quarterly journal published in March, June, September, and December. Further, the Journal will be moving to electronic publication within the next five years.

(b) The ICHPER·SD Journal of Research does not publish a glossary of terms.