----2018 ICHPER.SD Forum. Held in conjunction with the SHAPE America Annual Convention and Exposition: March 20-24, 2018 Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.-------The 44th Volume of the Journal of ICHPER-SD has been released and sent via e-mail to all members.-------

Contact Us
1900 Association Drive, Reston, Virginia 20191-1598, U.S.A.
E-mail: ichper@aahperd.org

Telephone: 703 476-3462
Fax: 703 476-9527

Information: ICHPERD·SD is the largest, membership-based international and umbrella organization that includes professors, teachers, researchers, coaches, educators and administrators in the fileds of HPERSD and related areas, as well as educational or research institutions and departments, colleges and universities, governmental and non-governmental national and international organizations.