----2018 ICHPER.SD Forum. Held in conjunction with the SHAPE America Annual Convention and Exposition: March 20-24, 2018 Nashville, Tennessee, U.S.A.-------The 44th Volume of the Journal of ICHPER-SD has been released and sent via e-mail to all members.-------

Vacancy for the position: Editor of the ICHPER•SD Journal of Research

Criteria and Job Description for Editor of the ICHPER•SD Journal of Research

All candidates must:

- be a tenured faculty member of an accredited university and be a full Professor

- have a strong record of publications in refereed academic journals

- have experience as an academic journal reviewer

- be willing to serve for a period of four year

- have been a professional member of ICHPER•SD for at least four-years or ICHPER•SD life member

- be willing to do the job without financial assistance for self or institution

Job description:

- Work closely with and oversee the work of the associate and assistant editors

- Facilitate the blind review process of manuscripts - Communicate with authors regarding reviewer comments and decisions

- Make decisions on whether authors have met reviewer concerns and provide final editing of manuscript before approval

- Be the liaison between authors and the publisher during the proof stage of publication

- Compile copyright forms for all manuscripts published

- Recruit reviewers

- Pursue index possibilities

- Report on journal status at the annual ICHPERŸSD forum held in conjunction with AAHPERD All candidates must submit a letter of intent (including their vision for running the journal) and their CV to the ICHPERŸSD office at: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Deadline is March 2, 2024

The candidate will be interviewed at the ICHPER•SD forum that will be held at AAHPERD